miércoles, 1 de enero de 2014

¡¡Information about the new characters in Winx Club Season 6!!

Paladins, Thoren and Nex are professional warriors. All of them can use magic weapons to fight multiple enemies. Since the beginning of the series, they are very competitive with specialists

( Brown Hair )
It is a little larger than the Winx , has the same age as Daphne . He is the cousin of Sky and in the past have fought together in a very dangerous situation , at which point there was brave enough to save Sky but never confessed to his cousin , so Sky now thinks he's a bad guy Thoren . Thoren , with dark curly hair and disheveled, is stronger and bigger than Sky and is, in fact , the most robust of the paladins. It's a bit grumpy, very shy, does not talk much but when he does, he is a charismatic leader. Daphne learns to know him deeply and will help you get your good side and Thoren sentimental.El gun is a great magical hammer that releases energy spirals able to ward off enemies.
(Blue Hair )
It is a slim and athletic looking guy with long dark hair. Is outgoing and friendly and likes to make jokes and often leads to specialists, especially Roy . As Roy, Nex is in love with Aisha . The two are rivals in love and Nex always want to try to be the best in everything and challenge anyone without fear. Is convinced that every girl must necessarily fall for him : this does not work with Aisha , who not only annoyed by his arrogance vera , but it will defy and fight . Nex continue to be very impressed by the strong attitude of Aisha and gradually fall in love with her ​​trying to impress anyway. Only when Nex is in mortal danger and needs your help , Aisha discover that she truly loves .
The magic weapon is the halberd Nex Wind : if you turn generates a gust of wind that drives away all opponents front of you.

Selina is a young witch, nature smart, cunning and rebellious. It is an old friend of Bloom as both he lived in Gardenia, went to school together and played "be fairies." But when lBloom became a very famous fairy, Selina began to cultivate a deep envy of her friend ...
Although present as a funny woman and a little impatient, actually Eldora, the fairy godmother is a very wise and powerful fairy. As a young man, a student at Alfea and her favorite subject was botany, especially rare flowers magical dimension. This passion comes from the fact that flowers and plants never disappoint or betray. After a meeting with Selina and see her great magical potential, Eldora decided to become a fairy godmother. Later, she became the guardian of the Alexandrian library and discovered the "legendarium" a very powerful book that contains all the legends of the magical universe. By the book, Selina changed attitude from Legendarium, the evil sorcerer Asheron persuaded to follow the path of
witches. Asheron asked Selina release. In return, he would give immense powers.
Asheron's an evil wizard who has studied black magic when he was on earth. Its main goal was to become the most powerful wizard of all magical worlds and created the legendarium, the book which could summon all the legendary monsters. When Asheron tried to use the book, could not control and was trapped inside. Now his goal is to return to being free and has at his side a valuable ally, Selina.

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